Self Philosophy and Depth Analysis

 Gazing at Soul, To Know Thyself and Heal Thyself



 Enrollment is open at the International Master School on Soul Studies School of superior training created, founded and directed by Daniele Cardelli

training for
Analytical Philosopher
Philosophical Analyst for Individuation
Existential Consultant, Soul Counsellor, Professional Confidant

train as a professional of “Know Thyself” at our School of Self Philosophy

 Requisites and characteristics of our training pathway
The idea to open the first International Master School on Soul Studies originated from a need both deep and unavoidable: to investigate the Soul, seek its essence,observe its aspects, characteristics, and dynamicsunderstand its meanings, in order to respond to the mysteries and most profound spiritual inquiriesof our personal existential journey, to the most secret questions of life, by exploring the Journey motifs of Soul—the task of mankind according to Socrates and his philosophy—from birth to the end of our earthly experience, seeking answers to the possibility of a life beyond death and to the most authentic meaning of our personal path; questions that all human beings with some degree of sensitivity ask themselves at least once in a lifetime, inquiries that become more pressing during historical moments of great transformation, transition and change, like the present time, a crisis phase, of the economy as well as of global transformation, which require answers and solutions often times daring and call for unprecedented interpretations, even on political, collective, and cultural levels, besides individual ones

The didactic modalities of personal meetings, thematic conversations, small group seminar work, along with the coursework and a series of other collateral activities (readings, study and analysis of suggested texts and/or as indicated in the bibliographies of the training pathway, even specific initiatives and events, participation in film discussions, visits to places of special interest, exhibits and museums, concerts and convivial activities) have been planned for students to enhance the deepening of the work, analysis and learning, by creating a fertile and heartfelt environment for Individuation and the acquisition of tools and advanced knowing useful for interpreting and attending to the demands and passages of our personal existential path and, for those who have the desire, to train professionally as a Analytical hilosopher: “professional of Know Thyself”

The School’s tracks and trainings are for all of those who—regardless of the original pathway—are interested and intending to acquire various tools to interpret and deeply understand personal existential experiences and the reality in which we live. Therefore, the School, while training candidates for the professions as mentioned above through a variety of “Open Pathways of Ongoing Training”, offers itself as a place for personal growth and deepening of existential themes even to individuals who may not necessarily be interested in training for professional development (or Auditors). We offer “Open Pathways”, which can be attended, upon explicit and prior request, even for a single didactic module (coursework, seminar, lesson, conference, thematic group conversation, event) that is even for only one day or one weekend of study (Friday and/or Saturday); those who attend only a single module of our pathways can earn a certificate of attendance on request

Requisites and modalities for admission to training
Following a prior free introductory and evaluative interview, we accept requests from individuals who have completed a college degree in any disciplinary field (especially though not necessarily in the social or humanistic fields) and the training pathway takes into consideration those who are not yet registered or are in the process of enrolling for college coursework. Regardless, admission is open even to those who have not yet completed and earned a college degree. The School does however invite, support, and encourage students to complete their college pathway of choice as it is considered preparatory work (though not mandatory, even if all candidates at the School have earned at least an A.A. Degree) for attaining our training certificate, as well as for the enhancement, prestige, and social recognition as a professional figure that our candidates aspire to become. Admission to our training tracks takes place once a request is made via email by the student candidate, complete with a personal bio, and after an individual interview is conducted

Didactic Modalities
Training is organized in three levels (and a fourth subsidiary one) with two levels exclusively reserved for students in training and one open to anyone interested

a) Individual meetings: one-hour weekly or two-hour biweekly individual meetings, with frequency and time schedule to be established; for candidates in training a total of 40 hours are required yearly;
(see below for information on options and didactic modality for “intensive training”)

b) Group meetings: have a duration of four hours and are structured on “Conversations on themes” proposed both by the group leader or by a group member; candidates in training are required to participate weekly or at least twice a month in the group meetings (one or two meetings a month are mandatory especially in the case of “Intensive training”; see below for information on “Intensive Training” to learn what is is and how it works), which are ongoing from September until June (except for the Christmas Holidays and summer holidays) every other Tuesday (or Friday) of the month from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM (or 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM); a total of 108 hours and at least a 50 percent participation are required of candidates at this level;
(see below for information on options and didactic modality for “intensive training”)
It’s possible to join Individual and Group meetings even online by Skype

c) Open events: coursework, seminars, testimonials, conferences, conventions; this level of participation is open to all of those who wish to attend and are interested in the themes that are presented. The “open meetings”, organized and promoted under the aegis of L.U.I.S.A. Libera Universita’ Internazionale di Studi sull’Anima, are available to those who are moved by the need to know thyself as a condition for the cure of the self, independent and beyond professional training
(a level open to all and recommended for candidates in training)

d) Complementary activitiesreadings, study and analysis of texts recommended and/or indicated in the bibliography provided by the School; preparation of papers to present in specific meetings or events (a level reserved for candidates in training, with a minimum of 120 hours yearly)

 Duration and characteristics of the training
Generally the training pathway for professionals lasts approximately four years; only for those who have already attended multi-year pathways of individual analysis and/or counselling recognized by our School, training duration may last less than four years, though not less than three (which also applies to those who intend to train as “Philosopher analysts”

Duration may vary according to the candidate’s level of consciousness, awareness, preparation and age. The School does not award training certificates to students who have yet to reach the age of 25 years (minimum age); thus, if a request is made to initiate a pathway before 25 years of age, training duration is four years. The training requires a marked sensitivity for philosophic and psychoanalytic approaches and a genuine curiosity toward various fields of existence. For completion of training and attainment of a degree, the instructor’s consent is needed, following the evaluation of the candidate’s vocation and inclination for the profession, participation and efforts made, and tenacity dedicated to the training. The prolonged period of training also serves to ascertain the ethical character of the candidate

For those who desire attend personally but cannot attend weekly, who travel from afar to Florence and Tuscany or who reside in Florence and Tuscany and wish to complete their training in a shorter period of time (as compared to the standard four solar years), the possibility exists of registering for “Intensive training”. This opportunity can be realized by pursuing one of two options: a) attending School activities biweekly, rather than weekly, by combining in the same day the individual meetings (a session of two hours biweekly, rather than one hour per week), with the group meetings (four hours biweekly) with a break of an hour between the individual and group meetings to keep them distinct; b) by concentrating in two “intensive weeks” the total hours of individual meetings (and in part the hours of group meetings) which are usually conducted on a weekly basis. By choosing to live in Florence for two weeks—the maximum duration of this option of intensive training is 14 works days for each session—instead of attending the School by travelling weekly or biweekly to Florence, students can achieve the same number of hours required for individual didactics; (however, for the remaining hours of group didactics not achieved with this second type of “intensive training”, students’ (physical or online) presence is required for at least 50 percent of the annual group meetings. Fees and duration of the School remain the same regardless of which one of the two options of “Intensive training” is chosen

By attending the “Intensive training”, the total hours may be accumulated in less than 12 months of the solar year (and overall in less than four full years); for example, if the student attends monthly eight hours instead of four hours of individual meetings he or she can complete the didactic year in six, seven, or eight months; thus, the didactic year of the School will last for this period of time—precisely, from the date of the first individual session until completion of the last hours of the individual pathway with at least 50 percent of group meetings and hours of research and deepening—and will be completed before the end of solar year; for those who adopt this option the duration of training can be three years only; this option is provided for and accepted, by recognizing didactic years as opposed to solar years. This option does not include (as mentioned above) the training for “Philosopher therapists”, which requires four full years

Organization and didactic methodology
The program has been developed in a way completely innovative and original when compared to contemporary academic criteria, finding its source and inspiration in training pathways of philosophical schools of antiquity, even preceding the Greek schools. The didactic methodology takes inspiration from the direct Master-Disciple relationship, from our viewpoint, the most fruitful and fundamental for this type of training; the logic that follows and applies is one of working, learning, and acquiring responsibly, personally, with an expert master. This didactic methodology, by way of an intense work of personal meetings and groupwork, represents the spinal cord and supporting structure of our training pathway. Thanks to this methodology, the training of students is constantly reviewed and evaluated, aiming at a “concrete” education and philosophical growth and stimulating toward an increasing sense of responsibility

All students receive from the the didactic material containing detailed information on coursework, instructors, testimonials, and collateral events organized and promoted

Practice and direct experience
During the course of the training pathway and especially toward its completion, at least one professional experience in the field supervised by the supervisor-instructor is required. Our training pathway views practice as a concrete opportunity to “work with Soul” which is an integral part of the training pathway

Additional didactic activities and collateral experiences
Complementary didactic activities and linked collateral initiatives are an integral and essential part of the program

Final exams and dissertation
Verification of candidates’ progress is ongoing during the entire training pathway, considering the close relationship between instructors and students. However, prior to termination of the pathway candidates are required to produce a project, written, artistic or multimedial, along with an oral presentation, representing an in-depth analytic work focused on a theme chosen directly by the candidate among all of the subject matters discussed or closely related to the pathway

Profiles and professional outcomes
Once the training has been completed, those who have attended the School are ready to open a “Private practice for philosophical analysis” (philosophical analysis for Individuation) and operate as a Philosophic Analyst (Existential Consultant, Soul Counsellor, Professional Confidant), professional of “Know Thyself”

For the (Self) Philosopher (Archetypal or Depth Analyst, Analytical Philosopher), the work is aimed at deeply knowing oneself, directly inspired by the need to “Know Thyself” of the Delphi oracle, moved by the need to know the self recognized as being autonomous and completely independent from necessities stemming from symptomatic disturbances, which is based on the research of Why?—on the great fundamental questions and connected answers on the meaning of existence, of one’s personal past and experiences, on the significance of things, constantly seeking the truth, of the truth; a philosophic pathway to higher consciousness by way of diverse methods and tools that philosophy has made available to us for millenniums, from reflection to analysis, from intuition to logical deduction, from introspection to verification of experimental evidence, to interpretation of the internal world. For the sole reason of healing, intended as taking care of the Self, it would be beneficial for all individuals to embark on the pathway of “Self Philosophy”, without necessarily being motivated by distress, suffering or pathological symptoms, that is “while feeling well”

Moreover asking oneself questions and the closely connected desire to find answers to the questions, on the meaning and function of things—the Philosophy of the Self—are natural “activities”, daily and healthy, tied exclusively to the need to know oneself, that are carried out without necessarily being “pathologies”, without being moved or caused by disturbing symptomology, and capable of bringing positive results and visible improvements to our lives. Only in the case of inhibitory discomfort, disturbing symptomology and suffering of various kinds makes setting in motion a “therapy” so obviously philosophical, to research the sense and meaning of events in the life of the assisted client, of the leading thread—the ultimate Design—of his or her existential pathway, by way of the method of confronting one’s visions (Weltanschauung) or ideas in regard to problems and so-called reality, by practicing pathways to higher consciousness that moves one from Why? to finding (in the shortest possible time) effective solutions through Individuation and the application of ideas

What is formed in our School is a professional figure of support who listens to stories and ways of life, a Depth Existential Counsellor — a Soul Counsellor, a Professional Confidant— to whom one turns for advice on various problems and aspects of existence, including research and actualization of a personal professional vocation and personal emotional life, the discovery of the dynamics of civil obligations and the individuation of personal religious and spiritual dimensions, capable of helping the individual by way of maieutic work to find the most suitable answers for one’s personal existential path and to resolve crises and dissolve conflicts that emerge in his or her narratives; capable of analyzing from the depths and providing concrete solutions to political problems, social and economic, local and international, both by intervening personally for their resolution and by functioning as a consultant for institutions, public administrations, political forces, businesses, social and economic organizations

Founder and Director of the Master School
Prof. Dr. Daniele Cardelli

Instructors and Coursework
profiles of our instructors and relative courses

Certification, Recognitions, the Community and the Confederation
Upon completion of the training pathway, certification of attendance is awarded to candidates who are also registered in the building and upcoming list for “Philosopher Analysts, Professional of Know Thyself”. The training pathway unfolds via the organization and auspices of the Association Anima e Polis, School and Confederation of Self Philosophy and Depth Analysis and Association of Philosophers Analysts

Tuition fees
contact for one-time payment at registration, including Group meetings, open events, intensive seminars, complementary activities, in addition the fees for individual meetings (40 hours yearly) to be agreed with the Direction of the School. Travel and residency expenses are not included. Upon request, the training pathway provides information about travel schedules and hotel arrangements to students coming from outside Tuscany. The School is always open and available in regard to all financial solutions—such as scholarships or vouchers (which students can request from the Department of Education in their Region of origin), as a partial downpayment toward registration and participation—which facilitates and allows students who are truly interested in our training program to attend and participate in our classes

School location and places of training
Individual meetings, group meetings, coursework and seminars are held at the School location in Via Maggio N. 1, in downtown Florence, in the flourishing environment of creativity and beauty of the cradle of the Renaissance, alongside its past masters and great masterpieces; a variety of “open events” are planned to be held in magnificent places in Tuscany, renown for their beauty since remote times. These splendid locations represent ideal, incomparable, unique places where the pathway on Soul studies can be fulfilled. The location settings provide the students with the unforgettable opportunity to reside in places of unparalleled beauty, immersed in surroundings that facilitate and enhance the inner search, the depths and spiritual work, the philosophic dialogue and the convivial exchange. For students coming from outside of Tuscany, some brief coursework (i.e., on the weekends) will be held at satellite locations (“linked lighthouses”) of the School that we have been establishing in other cities and regions of Italy (Sicily, Lombardia), as well as in other countries, which highlights our vision and program as a “wandering training pathway”.
However it’s possible to attend the School remotely (via Skype)

BEAUTITALY CARD – Our Special Initiative for Italy
BeautItaly Card is an initiative imagined, created and developed by our School, with services, itineraries, information and suggestions, exclusive and in partnership, to promote those places all over Italy—not by chance called “Bel Paese” or “Beautiful Country”—where the inner search (of Soul and for Soul) unites perfectly with a special bond with Beauty: an harmonious, positive, indispensable nourishment for Soul and surely one of the most distinct and peculiar characteristics of Italy. Our initiative, the “BeautItaly Card”, is not only limited to promoting and informing about those places, cities and locations already familiar to the great flow of tourism (i.e., Florence, Venice, Rome) but also those other places still quite unknown, quaint and small, where substantial, effective therapeutic nourishment can be derived from the beauty of places and the beauty of living and daily cohabiting, capable of being, like very few other things, very deeply and efficaciously therapeutic and healing for Soul

Partnerships and collaborations
The training pathway has already been collaborating for several years with various university institutions, particularly with the Centro Universitario di Studi Strategici ed Internazionali, with the Communication Strategies Lab of the Universita’ degli Studi di Firenze and the SDS di Architettura di Siracusa, Universita’ degli Studi di Catania.

Contacts, Information and Registration (click here)